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CybersecurityOhio MEPWebinar

Navigating Recent Changes in CMMC 2.0

By February 18, 2022 June 29th, 2022 No Comments

Navigating Recent Changes in CMMC 2.0

Find Your Path to Compliance

50 Minutes

On Demand Webinar

CMMC 2.0

On Demand Webinar I 50 Minutes

Feel like you can’t keep up with the compliance updates coming down from the Department of Defense (DoD)? There’s no need for confusion when it comes to CMMC.

Join TechSolve in our latest webinar “Navigating Recent Changes in CMMC 2.0” where our cyber analysts walk you through the DoD’s recent changes to the CMMC structure, from the introduction of 2.0 in November 2021 to the clarifications and updates published in February 2022. 


  • What the new CMMC 2.0 rule change means for DoD contractors
  • How existing standards apply to CMMC 2.0
  • The benefits of preparing for CMMC 2.0 now

In less than an hour, understand how the updates apply to your company and the steps needed to stay the course for compliance.